Unless you have been socially disconnected (which if you are
reading this is a very unlikely scenario), you have heard of
Republican Todd Akin's comments on Rape. If you have not, then you
should first hear
them here.
He has publicly apologized for his statement, but obviously he
believes them. He co-sponsored a bill with Rep. Paul Ryan that would
make abortion (in ANY circumstance) and several forms of birth
control pills illegal. This "personhood" bill would give
fetuses full status as human beings under the fourteenth amendment of
the United States.
Democrats and other Republicans have asked Akin to step down
(including Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney), which he refuses to
do. I do not know if he can be forced to step down, but many
Republicans are telling him he should.
Of course he should. You do not make a statement like that,
whether you believe it or not, and after the MASSIVE public backlash
stay in the race. You are just begging to lose the race. He stays in
for one reason, and one reason only, pride.
But, what about his statement? Is he right? Is he wrong? Well, the
vast majority says he is wrong. Of course he is. There is absolutely
NO scientific evidence that his statement is even remotely true. In
fact, quite the opposite. He believes it, but that isn't the point.
Why is he even calling out different types of rape? Rape is rape.
Period. End of Story. If a woman says no and a man forces himself on
her, it is Rape. Nothing else in this situation matters. This is, I
think, one of the most contentious parts of his statement. The GOP is
trying to distinguish "forcable" rape from other types
because it makes it easier for them to pass laws outlawing abortion.
This brings us to the real meat of the argument. Pro-Choice or
Pro-Life. I stand in a unique position in this argument, and I know I
am not alone, but few tend to think of the middle ground. Pro-Life
people, like the GOP, are literally trying to ram their opinions down
your throat. The far left Pro-Choice are saying that you can do what
you want. It is YOUR body.
I am Pro-Choice. That said, I am very deeply against abortion, and
consider it reprehensible. Now many will look at that statement and
say, "You can't be both."
Uhhh, yes I can. I am against abortion. I think it is
reprehensible, and wrong. That said, it is not my decision. It is not
my place to make that decision for you, or for anyone else. I am
against it, but it is your body. It is YOUR CHOICE. I think the real
crime is when your freedoms, rights and liberties are taken away from
Pro-Lifers will argue about the child's (or fetus's) rights, but
this leads to a whole new set of problems. The thing with many
Pro-Lifers, is that they are so concerned with the life of the unborn
child, they tend to forget about everyone else's life. Especially in
the case of a victim of rape, you have a woman (or girl, as some
cases of rape are with underage females) who did not plan for a
child, did not want a child, and this situation was forced on her.
How can you tell this person that you must now raise a child you did
not want because some guy decided he wanted to get funky?
On top of that, I have dicovered that in 31 States in the United
states, the father in this situation (I will call him the 'rapist')
can actually bring the mother (I will call her the 'victim') to court
to gain custody or visitation rights to the child. REALLY? Now, not
only are you telling this victim that she must have the child, but
you are also tying her to the rapist for 18 years, where she must
allow the rapist access to the child she never wanted in the first
place. Forcing her to associate with the man who forced himself on
her against her wishes. How is this in any way right? How is this in
any way Just?
There is only one answer to that question: It is NOT.
Most would say, you could just give it up for adoption. Well, yes, technically she could but the fact is that she'd have to carry that child for at least 9 months. That is 9 months being reminded every day, every hour, every min, every second that she was raped. Do people even consider the psychological damage that can and will do? That suicide is the most likely of outcomes and not only will the child be dead, the girl will be to? How is this not even considered. It just blows my mind.
ReplyDeleteThis is true. I, myself, am adopted. I was not the result of a rape (my adoption records are clear on this), but that is why my personal stance is against abortion. That said, I do recognize a woman's right to have an abortion, and recognize that it is her decision, not mine.